Oh guys. I am so sorry at my lack of communication, but here I am filling you in on the past few weeks so get ready, I’m sensing that this is going to be a long one.
Firstly, I should probably let you know that I am typing on my keyboard which is covered in Disney princess stickers for each letter. Brilliant...but already falling off.
Ok, so life.
We have done a number of Christmas parties which I know I have already briefly told you about, but I thought that I might run you through the typical programme;
Ok, so life.
We have done a number of Christmas parties which I know I have already briefly told you about, but I thought that I might run you through the typical programme;
We arrive at the location where a large number of children and adults are waiting for us to get there (probably having been there for several hours before hand). They are often sitting in rows or waiting to sing us a Christmas song. I think I pretty much could join in these songs now as there must only be about 2 or 3 Khmer Christmas songs. Boxes are unloaded from the van and the puppet stand is set up quickly. Rodney has a quick talk to the kids and then a puppet show is performed. I have the honour of being the lion’s hand while a Khmer man is given the script to read his lines. The emu is read very well by our own Chengley (or whoever is there on the day). I think I am developing an extremely strong right arm courtesy of the show while my left arm is remaining weak. [Side note- one place didn’t have any chairs for us to use behind the puppet screen so I was half squatting and holding my arm up the whole time...yes I almost died). After the puppet play Rodney explains to the kids about Christmas gives them an opportunity to respond. While this is going on, Cheryl will be quickly counting the number of kids and discovering that there are about double to the amount we were told. She then starts splitting up the Christmas packs that we are about to give up so that as many kids can get something as possible. I step up to do my thing and we play a couple of games (which vary according to the number of kids and space that we have- they usually involve me (and the kids) moving in funny ways much to the amusement of onlookers. After games everyone is given khmer curry and bread, which is eaten and cleaned up very quickly. Sometimes we whip out the face painting if appropriate, then presents! The big red spotlight bags are given out full of stationary, lollies, toys and little extra things like clothes, makeup and fake teeth! Kids disperse very quickly and are so excited with their bags. The main toy in each bag is always the hit which include things like cars, barbies, planes, Ben 10 toys etc. Showing each other their toys, the kids walk to their homes, and a sea of red bags is observed into the distance.
The English class has broken up for the Christmas break (instigated by us seeing as they don’t actually have any break for Christmas- in fact school classes are still on Christmas day. We had a lovely break up party at a little restaurant/cafe called ‘Jars of Clay’. We had heaps of food and the students had a great time. In hindsight I wish I’d worn some make up as the main attraction seemed to be taking photos with teachers (luckily Rodney and Shirley were there to share the paparazzi a bit). They were a little bit sad that their teacher Christie was not there, but they are looking forward to her return in January. I’m sure they will be relieved to have their normal teacher back who will not make them rearrange tables and do strange drama activities quite so much :p
Just letting you know that the keyboard stickers are falling off everywhere. It’s a bit hard to type with them. I’ll keep persevering though.
Though university English classes have finished up, Shirley has now returned to Australia. Shirley had been taking the orphanage kids 3 times a week for bible, English and craft classes. So I have been doing those classes now which are lots of fun. Vanny, the orphanage ‘mum’ is able to translate the words that are said. It is strange teaching through the medium of a translator, especially with younger kids, as usually so much of communicating with kids is the way in which you interact with them. However we get by and they are really impressing me with how quickly they are picking things up. It is a little bit hard with a two year old and eighteen year old in the same class, but we manage.
The church that we attend on a Sunday (and do English lessons through) had their Christmas service last Sunday. I have now reconsidered any previously held notions about Graham or Dave speaking for any extended periods of time, as three hours later the service drew to a close. It included dances, plays, songs, sermons etc etc and then after the service there was a big meal for everyone to enjoy together. Poen, Chengley and Cheryl had been slaving away in the kitchen for the last few days making cupcakes for everyone in the church. They were beautiful and everyone really appreciated them, especially seeing as cupcakes are not frequently seen in Cambodia.
On Christmas Eve we held a big party for the orphanage kids. Having just got home from teaching an English/craft class an hour away, a group of kids arrived at the house an hour early. Hmm, improv kid entertainment (in another language). Out came the Barney DVD and the facepaints along with the half prepared reindeer balloon hats. The party was lots of fun with Poen, once again cooking up a storm of beautiful khmer food. The puppet show was seen, paper Christmas trees were made, games were played (including the Christmas dancing game – “Ok everybody, do a dance like a reindeer!”, “now do a Christmas tree dance”) and some fantastic special presents which they were thrilled with.
Christmas day itself was very fun with spoiling occurring all ‘round. Little Sam enjoyed 'mas' day very much with many glasses of 'coka (coke)' being consumed and some new toys to play with. I was fortunate enough to have the lovely Jessica, a friend from uni, stay for a few days, so that added to the group of people celebrating together. We had a beautiful breakfast (including coffee from a caltex station which was incredibly good), a lovely afternoon tea and for a special treat an amazing dinner at the Phnom Penh Hotel. Had an awkward address from a random older man whishing me (and only me) a Merry Christmas. Everybody else on the table was rather entertained and I have since been referred to as 'Merry Christmas'
Everybody here is so lovely. I couldn't have asked for nicer people to spend an overseas Christmas with. We are heading off to the beach for the week simply to have a holiday which will be so nice.
Some of the orphanage kids at a Christmas celebration
Deborah, Poen, Sam, Jessica, Chengley, Neaat and Me at the Phnom Penh hotel for Christmas
- More photos in a Facebook album!
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